Podrum Begić
Podrum Begić otvoren je tijekom cijele godine za turističke posjete i degustaciju vina za grupe do 50 ljudi . Mirno mjesto, terasa sa pogledom na vinograd, predivan krajolik te planine u daljini, uz pravu domaćinsku atmosferu i vrhunska vina idealno je mjesto za opuštanje i uživanje sa društvom. Uz naša vina i rakije ide i tradicionalna hercegovačka plata: domaći pršut, različite vrste sireva, te različite vrste voća i povrća sve iz vlastitog ekološkog uzgoja. Također, uz prethodnu najavu, za grupe od 20 ili više ljudi, možemo organizirati roštilj, hercegovačku peku ili janjetinu sa ražnja uz različite priloge.
Po dogovoru možemo posjetiti i pršutanu Herceg, nositelje mnogih zlatnih odličja za kvalitetu pršuta, koja se nalazi u našem selu u blizini vinarije te također malu konobu obitelji Herceg koja se bavi proizvodnjom meda na tradicionalan način a koji su također nositelji mnogih zlatnih medalja za kvalitetu.

Me & my boyfriend stumbled upon wine cellar Begic through a friend who recommend it. We are so happy she did ! Not only is their wine amazing, the domestic food they serve is locally & organically produced. Branimir, that runs the facility is an amazing host and we couldnt thank him enough for his hospitality. He is doing amazing work producing the region of Hercegovina best wine !

I was on a day tour of Herzegovina and our guide asked if we wanted to stop at a small family winery. Of course we did, and it was a special experience. One of the owners, Leon Begić, took us on a tour and we tasted white, rose, and red wines from the region – enhanced by local cheeses and fruits grow on the vineyard. We felt welcome by the gracious host.
I do come here quite often and bring tourists as a part of a tour with quite a few places that we visit before, but out of all the places that we do visit on the tour, my guest always do say that this is their favorite part. I strongly recommend this family owned wine celler for exceptional service and great wine. Wine tasting is affordable even for locals and you do get some snacks with it, specially nice if it is nice weather to sit on the porch enjoying the wine and the view. Of course the host is something that makes the difference, as I have visited several wine cellers for wine tasting, but this is number one by far!
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